Claudia Hirtl
Hirtl’s consistent artistic engagement with philosophical concepts, such as time, space, interior/exterior, language, self, meaning, heart, soul, spirit, has led to a rich, impressive, and very expressive oeuvre of paintings that defy postmodern categories and that definitely demand the viewer’s thoughtful reflection.
Claudia Hirtl’s art is situated along borderlines without accepting borders; it crosses through western and eastern modes of thought trying to contextualize and comprehend one through the other; it applies Hirtl’s own form of Nihonga to large-format and/or multiple-panel canvases; it incorporates Japanese ideograms, kanji, into western abstraction; it playfully adopts the graphic strokes of ideograms and transforms the scriptural sign into an image, which in turn consciously dissolves the signifier and thus the meaning of the sign; and her art has the western viewer encounter an alluring enigma prompting a desire for deciphering, but being able to “read” the ideogram will not help. Identifying the sign does not mean you understand the sign.
Hirtl’s paintings demand a viewer’s concentration and his or her letting go of habitual patterns of perception; they transform the canvas into a visual prompt for meditation; they give color to transcendence, and they offer the viewer the experience of the sublime.
© Daniel Zanetti
Fliessend, 2018
Tempera on canvas
250.0 x 100.0 cm
Copyright the artist
Untitled, 2018
Tempera on canvas
250.0 x 100.0 cm
Copyright the artist
Gespiegeltes Selbst, 2018
Tempera on canvas
250.0 x 100.0 cm
Copyright the artist
Untitled, 2004/2018
Tempera on canvas
250.0 x 100.0 cm
Copyright the artist
Im Fluss, 2004/2018
Tempera on canvas
250.0 x 100.0 cm
Copyright the artist
Untitled, 2018
Tempera on canvas
250.0 x 100.0 cm
Copyright the artist
Mondig, 2018
Tempera on canvas
250.0 x 100.0 cm
Copyright the artist
Untitled, 2013
Tempera on Canvas
40.0 x 200.0 cm
Copyright the artist
Herz, Seele geistig, 2013
Tempera on Canvas
4 x 20.0 x 200.0 cm
Copyright the artist
Untitled, 2010
Tempera on Canvas
200.0 x 12.0 cm
Copyright the artist
Im Fluss
Tempera on Canvas
205.0 x40.0, 200.0 x 30.0 cm
Copyright the artist
Herz, Seele, Geist gespiegelt, 2012
Tempera on Canvas
75.0 x 200.0 cm
Copyright the artist
Untitled, 2008
Tempera on Canvas
130.0 x 200.0 cm
Copyright the artist
Gespiegeltes Herz, Seele, Geist, 2011
Tempera on Canvas
120.0 x 90.0 cm
Copyright the artist
Das Herz, Seele und Geist, 2011
Tempera on Canvas
125.0 x 200.0 cm
Copyright the artist
Unendlich, 2017
Tempera on Canvas
120.0 x 250.0 cm
Copyright the artist
Herz, Seele, Geist - Still und Tief, 2014
Lithograph, three-colour, on Hahnemühle paper
50.0 x 70.0 cm
Copyright Claudia Hirtl
Paper Matters
Group Show
21. July - 1. August 2020
Claudia Hirtl
13th September - 23rd November 2019
Summer Exhibition
Group Show
7th July - 8th September 2018
Claudia Hirtl
Solo Show
27th October - 9th December 2017
© Daniel Zanetti
Born 1954 Wörgl/Tirol, Österreich
1985 - 1988 M.A., Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku - Tokyo National University of Arts and Music, Tokyo, Japan
1981 - 1983 Instituto Statale D' Arte Urbino, Italy
1980 - 1981 Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts, Paris, France
1976 - 1980 M.A., Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria, Painting
1973 - 1976 Teacher's Diploma Pedagogical Academy, Innsbruck, Austria
Permanent Installations and Exhibitions (Selection)
2022 - Paper Matters II, Boutwell-Schabrovsky Gallery München - https://www.hirtl.com/bildbuch14.htm
2021 - Museum Liaunig, Kärnten, ‘Tour de Force‘- Punkt und Linie und Farbe auf dem Weg durch die österreichische Kunst nach 1945
2020 - BILD BUCH 6, Kostbarkeiten aus der Bibliothek AAU Universität Klagenfurt
2020 ‘Paper Matters‘, Susan Boutwell Gallery München
2019 - ‘PASSACAGLIA‘- AAU-Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Große Galerie
2019 ‘Claudia HIRTL MALEREI‘, Galerie Susan Boutwell, München
2019 QUART Heft 333/19 OriginalGrafikBeilage
2018 – ‘Claudia HIRTL ZEICHNUNG 1985 – 1988 Tokyo/Wien‘, Rabalderhaus Schwaz
2017 HIRTL – DAS ECHO VOR DER STIMME, Italienisches Kulturinstitut Bozen
2016 ZEITKUNST, Kitzbühel
2016 Sommerpräsentation/Nacht der Museen, Susan Boutwell Galerie München
2014 ‘YAM‘ See,Wave / Installation RZB Kitzbühel, Austria
2013 perspective / fernsicht | lontananze, Journeys of Tyrolean and Trentino Artists from 1800 to Today, Museum of the City of Bruneck, Italy
2013 Galerie am POLYLOG, Wörgl, Tirol
2013 HIRTL.ZEIT-WEISEN, Premiere Portrait-Documentary-Film, Cinematograph/Leo Cinema Innsbruck
2012 Art-Cocktail / Painting-Installation: Lounge of the Federal Council, Austrian Parlament, Vienna
2011 Summershow, Galerie Ulysses, Vienna, ‘YAM Val/Wave/Welle‘, KIBLA, Maribor
2009 ‘ALS‘, ZEITKUNST, Kitzbühel, with Markus F. Strieder
2008 'Zum Selbst Kommen', Galerie Schloss Parz, Upper Austria
2007 ‘Exzerpt‘, Galerie artmark, Vienna
2006 ‘Reflexionen‘,Galerie Wofgang Exner, Vienna
2004 ‘KRAFTWERK peripher’, Tiwag-Imst, Tirol
2003 Commission for the OKAMURA Collection, Tokyo, Japan
2003 ‘ZUSAMMENGETRAGEN', Collection Institute of Art History at the University of Innsbruck at RLB Kunstbrücke, Innsbruck
2002 ‘FIGURES OF SPEECH or SILENCE OF THE AFTER-GLIMPSE' Kunsthalle Salt Depot of the City of Hall, Tirol
2002 ‘VARIABLE STÜCKE Strukturen, Referenzen, Algorithmen’, Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck
2002 ‘PR-HIRTL’, Austrian Embassy, Tokyo
2001 ’LEBENS-FLUSS oder im dazwischen’, permanent Installation, Landeskrankenhaus Salzburg
2000 'INNEN/AUSSEN – Nebensätze', ZEITKUNST, Kitzbühel
2000 'MALEREI-österreichische KünstlerInnen JETZT’, Suppan Contemporary, Albertina, Vienna
2000 Szepmüveszeti Muzeum, Budapest
2000 Special Edition “YAM”, Collection Paper Works, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
2000 'Special Edition Kofu', New Library, permanent Installation, Yamanashi University, Kofu City, Japan 1999 ‘Re-View’, Matsumoto Collection Shinjuku, permanent Installation, Tokyo, Japan
1998 ‘NEUMEN * motion/flow-Signs moved’, permanent kinetic painting installation, YGU - University, Kofu, Japan
1997 ‘BILD - BILDER’ 1990-1996', Semperdepot, Vienna
1996 ‘YAM Special Edition Jerusalem’, Phenomena Festival Jerusalem, Israel
1996 ‘Sicht der Dinge 4: Zentrum & Peripherie', Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck
1995 Tsuda Painting Installation - Wakayama, Osaka, Japan; (1994) ‘G.Palffy - IN SITU’, Tokyo, Japan 1995 Budapest, Ungarn
1992 ‘HIRTL-MALEREI’, Kunstpavillon Innsbruck
1991 'VAMED', AKH - General Hospital, permanent Installation, Vienna
1990 X-ist Gallery, Vienna; ‘Wider-Schein’, Tiroler Landesmuseum, Innsbruck
1990 'HIRADO', permanent Installation, Kyushu, Japan
1989 Lunami Gallery, Tokyo
1988 ‘KIN’, Kaneko-Bullman, Taipei, Taiwan
1988 ‘MALEREI’, Galerie Zeitkunst, Innsbruck
1987 Stockman Pacific, Osaka, Japan
1986 'Kontakta 86', OAG Haus, Tokyo
1986 Geidai Bijutsu Daigaku Gallery, Tokyo; Amaury St. Gilles Gallery, Tokyo
1985 'Kontakta 85', OAG Haus, Tokyo
1984 Galerie Elefant, Innsbruck
1982 Galerie Elefant, Vienna.
Artists Books
2023 - BILD BUCH 17 – ‘Seinsweisen‘
2023 - BILD BUCH 16 -‘Fliessend‘
2022 - BILD BUCH 15 – ‘Sein in der Zeit‘
2021 - BILD BUCH 14 – ‘Im Fluss‘
2020 - BILD BUCH 6 – ‘Selbst im Aussen, Herz Seele Geist im Innen‘
2019 - BILD BUCH 13 – ‘Im Fluss, fliessend‘
2017 - BILD BUCH 12 – ‘Mond-hell/klar/Kind/Meister/Im Fluss/fliessend/Herz,Seele,Geist‘
2015 - BILD BUCH 11 – ‘Gekipptes Selbst, Herz Seele Geist im Fluss, im Innen, im Aussen‘
2014 - BILD BUCH 10 – ‘Herz,Seele,Geist‘
2014 - BILD BUCH - 9 – ‘Innen Aussen Herz Seele Geist Selbst Ich‘
2013 - BILD BUCH 8 – ‘Herz Seele Geist Selbst‘
2007 - BILD BUCH 5 – ‘Ort Zeit Aussen Innen Selbst Ich‘
2004 - BILD BUCH 4 – ‘Das Zwischen in die Sprache gezeichnet‘
2003 - BILD BUCH 3 – ‘Innen Aussen Innen‘
2001 - BILD BUCH 2 – ‘Ko Kind Meister‘
2000 - BILD BUCH 1 - ‘selbst/Tag, ich‘
2021 - BILD BUCH 14 ‘Im Fluss‘ ‚Video, Snap Vision, Wien
2017 - CLAUDIA HIRTL, Filmportrait von Daniel Zanetti, Media Productions Wien
2003 - 2013 - ‘HIRTL. ZEIT-WEISEN’, zircon_coelin_prod., Filmportrait von Ch. Ljubanovic, Paris
2013 - HIRTL.ZEIT-WEISEN, Premiere, Portrait-Dokumentarfilm, Cinematogograph/Leo Kino Innsbruck
1998 - ‘YAM Special Edition Jerusalem’ - Künstlerbuch/Videobuch-Edition, Hirtl/Ljubanovic - Wien/Paris
1999 - ‘ANTINOMY’ – ACCRUE / world production
1990 - HIRTL – Künstlerfilm: ‘worte konstruieren wirklichkeiten’
1990 - ‘PAINTING1981-90-The Relationality of Being, The Paintings of Claudia Hirtl’
1988 – 1997 Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien; Cooper Union NYC; Central St. Martins London; Nepean University Sydney; Zokey Daigaku Japan; Langjährige Koordinatorin für Auslandskooperationen sowie Gründung internationaler Austauschprogramme an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien
Collections (Selection)
Albertina Wien; Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien; Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum Innsbruck; Stift Admont, Steiermark; Matsumoto Collection, Shinjuku; Tokio; Hirado; Kyushu, Japan; YGU Kofu, Japan; Sammlung Fujinawa, Tokio; Pfizer Collection USA; ERSTE Bank Wien; Wiener Städtische; Donau Versicherung Wien; Wirtschaftskammer Tirol; RLB Innsbruck; RZB Innsbruck; HYPO Innsbruck; RZB Kitzbühel; Tiroler Sparkasse Innsbruck; Museum Liaunig, Kärnten; Klocker Museum Tirol, MUSA Artothek Wien; Museum Angerlehner Wels sowie private und internationale Sammlungen